It is important that the implementations of triage remain up-to-date. Details of editions and which remain supported are in the Update documents found in the Updates to Manchester Triage System box below.
Important Information
Manchester Triage System (MTS) was developed solely for registered Health Care
Professionals (HCPs) due to the clinical skills and knowledge, required to assess
needs and plan care, when performing a triage assessment. MTG will not support
organisations allowing the use of MTS by staff who are non-HCPs (staff below
Band 5 UK or international equivalent). In any medical negligence
proceedings where the court requests evidence, MTG will send a letter to this
effect. Click here to read the full rationale statement.
National Instructor Q&A
The date for the next Emergency Triage Instructor Drop-in session will appear here in due course.
Please bring any questions
you may have regarding MTS to the session for discussion, we look forward to
seeing as many of our instructors who can attend the session online. It will be a Zoom meeting Click here for the zoom link and full announcement.
Manchester Triage Systems
NOTE: This site will be unavailable 13:00-16:00 on 02/04/2025 due to an upgrade
Emergency TriageClinical risk assessment and management tool for use in Emergency Departments and Ambulance Service face-to-face contact.
Click below for more information
Telephone TriageClinical risk assessment and management tool for use in Ambulance Service telephone contact and other clinical telephone triage services.
Click below for more information
Pre-Hospital PathfinderRisk assessment and management tool for use in Ambulance Service face-to-face . Click below for more information
Nursing and Residential TriageRisk assessment and management tool for use in Nursing and Residential Homes. Click below for more information
Community Triage ToolRisk assessment and management tool for use by community assessment teams, first response assessment teams and pendant providers. Click below for more information